Started off with the Tour, as I described in the post below. Actually, no, it started off with me posting about soccer in the pre-dawn basement, with Peep and Mo asleep.
The little guy had gotten a very late bedtime the night before - due mostly to the deep conversations he was having with Snaky the Snake about global finance (I think).
Great peeper moment,
tho: I went in to tell him to stop kicking the wall and he looked out of the pile of bedclothes and said: "It's my wall!" I had to agree (before adding "...And I want you to stop kicking it.")
Christine (of Oscar the Ginormous Fish fame) had left with us to scrape paint off the gable ends but it was too short.
Mojo's quilt went unquilted - she's having trouble and we agreed that a hobby that frustrates you isn't a fun hobby.
We piddled around the house for a bit and finally decided that it was time to clean out the kitchen cabinets and install the "Rationell" sliding cabinet inserts I'd brought home from The Pile Pour in Seattle.
So we emptied out the groceries - a job in itself, I tell you, which involved sorting through a bunch of food-like items and discarding anything with a pre-2005 expiration date.
Though I want to state for the record that the dried shaved squid had NOT gone bad. Godammit, honey, it's supposed to smell like that!
And here they are. Lovely to look at! Delightful to hold! Damn, I do good work...
...then with the Hot Wheels track (and there were some spectacular pileups there, let me tell you)...
There was lots of running, lots of shrieking, a bit of soccer playing (though it is hard to stop the Peeper from using his hands - soul of a goalie, that boy). All conducted at great volume and intensity - hallmarks of a Rava visit.
Here's a fierce Peep emerging from the Twisty Slide, also known as the Ass Grabber, cunning trap for all middle-aged butts.
Until finally evening arrived and all had to go home. Peep went to bed early, tired out, the little sweetie. He was a total lovie all day. Nice.
And we went to bed early, too. All this child-rearing and home improvement - it's tough!
But good. Damn good. The payoff isn't in riches or fame, but love and laughter. There's a wonderful bit of dialogue in Robert Bolt's "A Man For All Seasons" where More's syncophant Richard Rich asks for "a position" and More replies that he, Rich, should be a teacher, that he'd be a great teacher. Rich wails that who would know, who would CARE, if he were a teacher!? More (in the cragged person of the rough-velvet-voiced Paul Scofield) looks down at Rich and says carefully: "You. Your students. God. Not a bad public, that."
You. Your kids. God. Not a bad public at all
That peeper - he's on FIRE! I love the slide action shot!
We have a taller folding ladder if you need one...let us know if you want to borrow it. My dear Will is off work all week, so...he's home (playing video games, to be sure.)
Productive and fun, both in good doses!
Chez nous, the bonito flakes never get tossed, because they're "supposed to smell that way"... convenient, that!
Looks like it was the Perfect Sunday. Thanks for the photos. I especially like the racetrack set-up.
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