These hills are, as the song implies, home to many of Portland's wealthy in the tradition that places the homes and lives of the rich and graceful physically as well as emotionally and socially above those below them in the insomnia of the American Dream.
That has nothing whatever to do with this post.
While the elevation of most of the Portland area is about 50 to 70 feet above sea level (MSL), the crest of the Hills is anywhere from 600 to 1,000 feet above MSL. This makes Skyline its own little climate, and you tend to find snow, or ice, there when the rest of Portland is getting our traditional rain. Which makes getting your burger-and-fries at the Skyline Restaurant kinda chancy when the wind is from the east. You have gotta know your tire chains from a handsaw to get up to our work site, which was just north of the aforesaid iconic Portland diner.
So the Hills are really more than "hills"; their correct name is the Tualatin Mountains and I should really do a post about them because the geology of the Hills is kind of fascinating. They're a huge fold in the nap of Portland's carpet, an immense hump of folded and faulted basalt mantled by yellow-brown silt blown up from the Portland basin to the east. Much of the Hills is dominated by Forest Park, which is just what it says it is - a park that is a forest. Very pretty in a dank, Northwest woods sort of way.
But. Every winter we get two, or three, or four, periods when our winds that typically bring the warm rain off the Pacific shift and come from the east. This pushes cold, cold air down off the interior of the continent, and we freeze over. Which is what we're enjoying at the moment. These east wind iceboxes usually last a couple of days or a week or two before the jet stream unspools and brings the rain back.
And when Portland catches a cold, the West Hills freeze right through.
I suggested that we might use their propane torch to thaw the pump and was told that the propane place didn't open until eight (why we hadn't stopped by the day before was left unexplained). But the drillers were undiscouraged, and showing that American ingenuity that we've been famed for since Valley Forge, proceeded to melt the frozen mud within the pump using flaming bits of cardboard stuffed inside.
Is this a great country, or what?
I am surprised that the water didn't shatter the pump when it froze (and expanded). I suppose that with the clay, there wasn't all that much water in the pump to expand.
That, and they did leave all the valves open, so the fluid pushed out of the pump when it expanded. Still, nasty and difficult to solve; took us nearly half an hour to do what a torch would have done in ten minutes...
Hello from Germany
FDChief may I suggest that you use Antifreeze next time to archive "combat readiness" within only 5 minutes. Instead of always torching the pump and wasting time on purchasing gas.
You would only need a kind of bypass or a small plug on the pump.
Then, wash out any remaining mud rotary with clean water.
After that use the content of a Jerrycan full of water properly mixed with Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) which should be run through the pump to winterize it.
Dont forget to fill back the antifreeze, before you start using the pump on another drill mission.
This could also be a more permanent installment on your rig.
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