4 battleships
2 "armored" cruisers1
4 "protected" cruisers2
12 destroyers
4 torpedo boats
1 dispatch vessel
Second Squadron (VADM Baron Kamimura Hikonojō)
6 armored cruisers
4 protected cruisers
8 destroyers
1 dispatch vessel

1 obsolete battleship3
4 protected cruisers
3 Matsushima class cruisers4
12 torpedo boats
1 dispatch vessel
A total of 4 pre-dreadnought battleships, 1 obsolete battleship ("turret ship") 8 armored cruisers, 12 protected cruisers, 3 obsolete cruisers (Matsushima class), 20 destroyers, 20 torpedo boats under Admiral (later Fleet Admiral) Marquis Tōgō Heihachirō

1. "Armored" cruisers were the first attempt of ironclad navies to solve the "cruiser problem" that emerged with the explosive-shell-firing breechloading naval gun. Traditionally the lighter fleet units, brigs and frigates in the age of sail, were told off to remain outside the range of the battleships. With the increased range of the steel rifled cannon and prior to the advent of reliable radio communications the cruiser, successor to the frigate, could not stay far enough out of range to be safe from destruction while still remaining in communication with the admiral in his line-of-battle flagship.
The solution was to design a larger, heavier cruiser with an armored deck and "belt" - side armor designed to protect against flat-trajectory missiles.

2. The protected cruiser was the next attempt to find a way to armor a fast, light warship that was still large enough to carry heavy cannon. This type of ship dispensed with the armor belt but retained an armored sub-deck to protect the engines, boilers, magazines, and enough compartments for buoyancy when hit.

Although the protected cruiser as a type disappeared around 1910, it was because improvements in propulsion and armor translated the type into the modern heavy cruiser.
3. The earliest warships protected with metal armor were literally "ironclads"; wooden sailing or sail-and-steam vessels with metal cladding along the outsides. And like most warships of the 1850s and 1860s the main gun artillery, the heavy cannon that had been the principal naval weapon since the 16th Century, were arranged in rows along the sides, with several stern- and bow "chasers" at the ends.

At this point I have to jump in with an utterly fascinating bit of useless trivia. Whilst researching this post I came across this website showing the process of replication of the Zhenyuan's sister, the Dingyuan (Chinese: 定遠).

4. The Matsushimas are a truly unusual vessel, and like many bizarrely entertaining and frivolously odd things, they are fundamentally French.
In the 1880s the young Imperial Japanese Navy, the "Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun" (大日本帝国海軍) was looking at a problem. Qing China, next on her list for a little European-style unequal-treaty fun, was arming up. The Germans had just delivered the two battleships mentioned above; nothing Japan had could match the Dingyuan and Zhengyuan. Enter the French Navy. The Japanese were getting a little hinky about their dependence on the British, who at the time were rather cosy with the Qings. The then-Minister of Marine was a Francophile, and turned the IJN's interest to the French "Young School", which was then all excited about the idea of swarming enemy battleships with masses of light craft, cruisers, destroyers, and torpedo boats.
The upshot of this was the arrival in the Japanese navel shipyard of one Emile Bertin. Staring in 1885, Bertin directed construction, either in France or at Yokosuka, of over 20 hulls, from torpedo boats to the Matsushimas. They were Japan's largest capital ships.

These ships only displaced about 4,000 tons and mounted mostly light guns, 5-inch and below. But the each one had a single, ginormous 12-inch cannon in a barbette. This so-called "Canet gun" loaded at the breech, but so frigging slowly that you could have timed the crew drill with a sundial. At the day-long Battle of the Yalu in 1894 the Matsushimas together fired less than 20 main gun rounds total, and apparently the effect of the monster gun firing was truly frightening; the entire ship would stagger, even seeming to lose way altogether.

Of the three Matsushimas at Tsushima one, the Matsushima, was lost to a magazine explosion in 1908. The two remaining cruisers were scrapped in the late 1920s.
Empire of Russia - Second and Third Pacific Squadrons

4 battleships

2 battleships
1 old battleship
1 armored cruiser
Battle Fleet - Third Division (RADM Nikolai Ivanovich Nebogatov)
1 old battleship
3 coast defense battleships5
Battle Fleet - Attached Cruisers
2 protected cruisers
Battle Fleet - First Cruiser Division
4 protected cruisers
Battle Fleet - Second Scouting Division
1 protected cruiser
1 "armed merchant cruiser"
Destroyer Flotilla
9 destroyers in two divisions
Transport Squadron
9 vessels, including the armed yacht Almaz (classified as a "2nd class cruiser"), 2 cargo ships, a repair ship, an ammunition ship. 2 tugs, and 2 hospital ships.
A total of 6 battleships, 2 old battleships, 3 coast defense battleships, 1 armored cruiser, 7 protected cruisers, 9 destroyers, and 10 assorted odds and sods including two with some pretense of military value under ADM Zinovy Petrovich Rozhestvensky.
5. The "Third Pacific Squadron" (more of which later) was sent out after political dyslexia in Russia forced the Tsar's naval ministry to dispatch additional warships to "reinforce" Rozhestvensky...even though the vessels consisted of old, slow, outdated, or breakdown-prone units that the admiral had personally rejected earlier. The bulk of these floating logs were the three "Admiral Ushakov" class coastal defense craft.

The Sources: As always when dealing with engagements fought by industrial nations in a largely literate age both parties involved typically preserve the occasion in multiple layers of military record-keeping.

The primary difficulty for the Western reader is that all the primary sources and much of the reportage is in two languages not typically accessible to the English-speaker; Japanese and Russian.
Fortunately since 1905 significant Western scholarship has resulted in a large body of work addressing the events that transpired in late May in the waters between Japan and Korea. Tsushima is included in nearly every "Decisive Battles" work including Paul Davis' "100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present" and Geoffrey Regan's chapter "The Battle of Tsushima 1905" in The Guinness Book of Decisive Battles. Contemporary or nearly-contemporary accounts of the engagement include Vladimir Semenoff's "The Battle of Tsushima" published in London in 1907 and Albert Thayer Mahan's article "Reflections, Historic and Other, Suggested by the Battle of the Japan Sea" published in the US Naval Proceedings June 1906 issue.
For the battleship buff Robert Forczyk's "Russian Battleship vs Japanese Battleship, Yellow Sea 1904-1905" dues the usual well-illustrated Osprey job of laying out the mechanics of pre-dreadnought combat.
Perhaps the most interesting, certainly the most curious, and possibly the most infuriating work I encountered is "The Tsar's Last Armada; The Epic Voyage to the Battle of Tsushima" written by one Constantine Pleshakov.

Mister Pleshakov has the tremendous advantage of being a native Russian speaker who thus has access to the old Imperial records in the original. Mister Pleshakov has the disadvantage of being perhaps the worst writer I have ever read outside of slash fiction and juvenile prose. It's hard to do justice to the true level of awfulness Pleshakov manages, but I'll try. Here he is describing the political maneuvering between the Tsar of Russia and the Emperor of Germany in 1897:
"The tsar's cousin, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany ordered his troops to land on Shandong Peninsula in the Yellow Sea. The two monarchs were competing in politics like boys comparing who can do more pushups or whose genitals are bigger."I have no idea what Pleshakov's youth was like, but mine wasn't ever THAT much fun. But you get the idea; the man has something less than a gift for expression.

What he does have is a nose for gossip and the willingness to chatter away about it. You may not learn much about the military capabilities of the Borodino-class battleships from Pleshakov, but you'll certainly learn who was screwing ADM Rozhestvensky. And he does a decent job of telling the story not of the battle itself but of the incredible journey of the Second Pacific Squadron, all 18,000 miles of it, to their fate at Tsushima.
If you don't have to purchase it, it's worth a look just for the smut and the sea story.
The Campaign: The two large geopolitical forces that drove the fleets to Tsushima begin in Japan in 1868 with the Meiji Restoration, and in Russia in 1894 with the ascension of Nicholas Romanov, second of that name to rule in Russia, to the throne of the Tsar of All the Russias.

The Russians proceeded to occupy them.
The Japanese were furious at the Western powers, especially Russia. As the Wiki entry says, it "lead to the Gashin Shōtan or "Persevering through Hardship" (for the sake of revenge) ideology in Japan to increase heavy industry and strength of the armed forces, especially the navy, at the expense of individual wants and needs." It also made for a very vengeful nation that was merely awaiting a reason to take a slap at the Russians.

The problem there is that the only good natural harbor on the Russian East coast was Vladivostok, and that wretched icebox was frozen in for half the year. To become a Far Eastern Power Russia needed a "warm-water port". The port she had her eye on was the one the Japanese had just been run off of, Lüshun Port on the Liaodong peninsula.

Perhaps the greatest single unsettled question about the Russo-Japanese War is the role of Tsar Nicholas II. A haphazardly trained, rather emotionally impulsive man, Nicholas seems to have truly despised the Japanese. Our friend Pleshakov suspects that the 1891 assassination attempt on Nicholas known as the "Ōtsu Incident" may have been the reason. Certainly the Tsar seems to have never even entertained the thought that these "infantile monkeys" (as he called the Japanese) could defeat his imperial forces. But did he, as has been claimed, help engineer the war so as to deflect domestic dissent in Russia?

Nicholas was, by any general measure, an incompetent ruler and an overmatched Tsar. Russia throughout its history has show itself to be merciless to weak men, and while the brutality of its rulers often seems excessive, one wonders if Russia's rulers were brutal because they were brutal men, or whether they were brutal because Russia was a brutal land. From Paul I to Nicholas to Kerensky, a Russian leader shows mercy at his peril.
The lightening of the imperial hand on the mass of Russians had been the great issue of the 19th Century. Beginning with the reforms of Alexander II in mid-century, the idea of popular sovereignty began to spread in a society that until the 1840s and '50s had to be called "neo-feudal". Tsar Alexander's assassination in 1881 not only destroyed the momentum towards liberalism but brought to the throne two men absolutely determined to uphold the autocratic rule of the tsars; his son, Alexander III and his grandson, Nicholas II. Many historians believe that the assassination convinced Nicholas that any liberalism was weakness, and that weakness would only invite more assassination.

But this must be balanced against Nicholas' own comment "...there will be no war because I do not wish it." and the overall unpreparedness of Russia for the war once it commenced.
I personally consider it unlikely that the Tsar or his ministers wished for war; however, I do believe that they were complacent, and racist, enough to believe that no "yellow man" would attack a Caucasian empire, and one as supposedly as strong as Imperial Russia. So I'm very sure that they greeted the Japanese declaration of war issued on 8 FEB 1904 with confidence.
The news that arrived from Port Arthur the next morning must have shaken him, then. At about 0028 on 9 FEB 1904, Japanese destroyers had launched a torpedo attack against the Pacific Fleet in Port Arthur, heavily damaging the cruiser Pallada, and the battleships Retvizan and Tsesarevich. The Japanese destroyer Oboro made the last attack, around 0200.

One tradition was established; that of Japan attacking at the very moment - or before - war was declared.
The Japanese landing at Inchon was unopposed, and by spring, 1904, the Japanese Army held all of Korea south of the Yalu. In the first serious land engagement of the war the Japanese drove in the Russian defenses along the Yalu in May, and proceeded to push the Russian troopers back into Manchuria.

What didn't help the Russians was their appalling bad luck; if it wasn't for shit luck the Pacific Fleet would have had no luck at all.
For example; early in the war St. Petersburg sent VADM Makarov east to command the Pacific Fleet.

Makarov was a tough and daring commander, and a sort of sailor's sailor well loved by his swabs. He shook up the fleet, like most of the imperial navy more used to nepotism, sloth, graft, and time-serving. He kept the guys at their stations, drilled them hard, and chased the Japanese when they appeared. He gave the Pacific Fleet the feeling that they could beat the slanty-eyed sonsofbitches if they could ever get a hold of them; in other words, he was a real fightin' sailor.
And just as he was starting to make a difference, in April, 1904 his flagship Petropavlovsk struck a mine, exploded, and sank within minutes, taking Makarov and most of his staff with it.

Well, fuck.
By August the Japanese 3rd Army had invested Port Arthur. For the next four months the 50,000 Russian defenders were slowly driven back in a grinding, bloody slog any poilu and landser would have recognized from Verdun, or Tommy from the Somme, with Japanese wave-attacks butchered by interlocking machinegun fire, hung on wire, shredded by mines and artillery. The ring did slowly tighten, however, and unless the defense could be relieved the loss of Russia's "warm water port" was only a matter of time.

But this would require assembling, organizing, and transporting this relief force all the way across Asiatic Russia. The events of 1904 had exposed the Russian imperial organization as vastly incapable; riddled with corruption and incompetence that only a deep well of nepotism and official indifference could provide. As poor as the frontline troop leadership had been - and it was leavened by individual competence and even brilliance - the logistic, intelligence, command, and control capabilities of the Imperial Russian military had proved to be FAR less competent that even the most critical pre-war observer had speculated.
The Russian response was, therefore, in keeping with the incoherent and incompetent prosecution of the war to date. No serious attempt was made to plan a coordinated ground-sea campaign. In fact, no relieving force was sent overland at all. The plan produced in St. Petersburg involved assembling the most capable units of the Baltic Fleet to sail halfway around the globe, somehow lift the siege of Port Arthur by sea (although the "Second Pacific Squadron" - the new designation for the Baltic Fleet task force - did not embark any significant landing force beyond its organic marines).
But pressure from the worsening situation in the Far East pushed the Tsar into doing something, anything. Eventually five divisions of the Baltic Fleet (including 11 of its 13 battleships) departed Libau (in what is today Latvia) on 15 OCT 1904 for the Far East.

The inevitable disaster this paranoia produced occurred on the night of 21-22 OCT. The Russian fleet was steaming southwest across the North Sea fishing grounds of Dogger Bank. Earlier in the evening one of the the least competent captains in the Second Pacific Squadron, the OC supply ship Kamchatka, began radioing that he was being attacked by a Japanese warship (which was, in fact, a warship, but a Swedish one). Having put the wind up the rest of the fleet, when the fleet sailed into the Dogger Bank trawl fleet a frightened lookout reported the small trawlers as torpedo boats and the entire squadron shot up the startled (and probably irked) British fishermen.

For on a mild evening with good visibility and a very gentle sea the hundreds of main and secondary gun rounds fired the Squadron managed only to sink the trawler Crane, damage several other vessels, including the cruiser Aurora, and kill a grand total of three Britons and two Russians while wounding six or seven on both sides.

The remainder of the voyage was less exciting, but no less troubled. Since Britain controlled the Suez Canal the Second Pacific Squadron was barred from the shorter route in retribution for the Dogger Bank Incident. Most of the coaling stations en route around the Cape of Good Hope were also either in British hands; the Russian squadron was forced to coal from contract freighters - typically German - in neutral waters.

Worse yet, as the squadron laid up in Madagascar in January, 1905, Rozhestvensky (who was ill at the time) was informed that 1) Port Arthur had capitulated - the Japanese had finally captured several critical hills around the port, hauled up heavy artillery, and started pounding the harbor itself, sinking most of the First Pacific Squadron as well as destroying most of the port facilities.

The Madagascar anchorage was a frigging nightmare.

Here's a good summary from the Dogger Bank website:
"For two weeks, Admiral Rozhestvensky was severely ill and remained confined in his cabin. His Chief of Staff suffered a brain haemorrhage and was partially paralysed. No one was really in command of the fleet and the crews spent increasing amounts of time ashore at various saloons, brothels and gambling houses. Disease broke out with daily deaths from malaria, dysentery and typhoid. During the funeral for one of her dead, the "Kamchatka" fired a salute. Unfortunately a live shell was used which hit the cruiser "Aurora" which was by now becoming used to being a mobile target for Russian gunnery. The fleet also needed to be re-supplied with ammunition, (but when) the supply ship "Irtysh" arrived...it was found to be loaded with 12,000 pairs of fur-lined boots and a matching number of winter coats.Add to all this the news that his Admiralty expected the commander to wait about for the "reinforcements" that he termed a damned "archaeological collection of naval architecture". It was enough to drive a man to drink, and for many of them it did.
(At one gunnery exercise )...none of the destroyers scored any hits on a stationary target. Of the battleships, the flagship scored a single hit which was on the ship towing the target. A destroyer squadron ordered to sail in line abreast formation scattered during exercises, as the officers had not been issued with new code books. Seven torpedoes were fired - one of which jammed, three swung off target, two chugged slowly and missed the target altogether and one went round in a circle causing ships to scatter in panic. For good measure the "Kamchatka" sent a signal saying she was sinking - on investigation this turned out to be nothing more than a cracked steam pipe in the engine room."
But eventually the fleet made its way across the Indian Ocean, through the Sunda Strait, and met the Third Pacific Squadron at Cam Ranh Bay in French Indochina on May 11, 1905. From there, the combined squadrons had to sail northeast along the Asian coast to the assembly point at Vladivostok.

There was no real choice; with limited coal supplies, his ships badly in need of overhaul, and their foul bottoms slowing the fleet speed to below 11 knots, the Russian commander needed to get to a safe harbor. The Korean passage was the only real option, and Rozhestvensky chose the wider, eastern passage as the optimal route.
Unfortunately for the Pacific Squadrons, ADM Tōgō had come to the same conclusion.
The Engagement: The Russian fleet had sailed from Cam Ranh Bay on 13 MAY 1905, fifty ships in the formations described above. The squadron coaled on 23 MAY 1905, having begun a maskirova designed to confuse the Japanese about the location of the fleet; ten ships, including six transports and four light or auxiliary cruisers, were dispatched to do some commerce raiding and generally make trouble elsewhere in hopes that these reports would draw off Japanese surface units. The next four days saw the Russian vessels steaming slowly north as Japanese radio traffic grew inescapable.

At 0430 the two ships closed; the Russian vessel mistook the converted Japanese merchantman for another Russian ship and warned them that there were other Russian ships nearby, just as the Japanese scout's lookouts made out the loom of ten other Russian ships in the misty pre-dawn gloom. At 0455am, the Shinano Maru reported "Enemy is in square 203".

The Daylight Action, 27 MAY 1905
The two fleets closed courses slowly; Rozhestvensky because his ships could not steam much above 9 to 10 knots, the speed of the slowest coastal battleships, Tōgō because he was in no hurry and wanted to gain the most decisive tactical advantage. The Russians were divided into two columns, with the most powerful, the First (flag) Division on the starboard side, the other two Divisions to port, with the weak Third Division (the three Ushakovs and the old Nikolai I) astern.

At 1352 the Combined Fleet had completed its turn and began to reply. Note the battlemap below; as the Japanese completed their turn with their better turn of speed they were in position to steam across the front of the Russian formation. This "crossing the T" enabled the Japanese ships to bring most of their main batteries to bear while confining the Russians to the use of their forward guns.

About this time the Oslyabya rolled over and sank. Alexander III lasted about another 40 minutes; by 1520 she was staggering out of line, heavily ablaze and her main batteries silent. Borodino, the next of her class in line, took over as lead ship. She lasted nearly four hours, gradually pounded to pieces, continuing to attempt to lead the squadrons northeast towards Vladivostok.
At this point another of the significant incapacities of the Russian fleet came into play. Observe the map below:

Between 1500 and 1700hrs the Combined Fleet executes three line-ahead-to-line-abreast-back-to-line-ahead maneuvers and changes course nine times. This was not pointless caprioling; Tōgō was fighting his fleet, maneuvering for advantage, for the best range, and to bring the most guns to bear.

The Night Action, 27-28 MAY 1905

Japanese losses amounted to three torpedo boats.

Three other vessels, the battleship Sisoy Veliki and the armored cruisers Admiral Nakhimov and Vladimir Monomakh scuttled after damage from torpedoes or, in the case of the Monomakh, colliding with a Japanese destroyer. All three were scuttled by their own crews, either that night of the following morning.
The Daylight Action, 28 MAY 1905

The postscript to the story is that the Imperial Japanese Navy took the Russian vessels in as prizes, but they were dogs and continued to be dogs; several were scrapped even before WW1, and all were gone by the 1920s, after considerable expense and little value to their captors.

The auxiliary Anadyr escaped to Madagascar. Both hospital ships were captured and interned by the Japanese.
The armed yacht Almaz and the destroyers Grosny and Bravy reached Vladivostok.

The Impact: The immediate impact of the victory at Tsushima was to devastate the Russian Imperium and, effectively, win the Russo-Japanese War.

Geoffrey Regan contends that Tsushima:
"...had all been too easy. Looking at Tōgō's victory over one of the world's great powers convinced some Japanese military men that with more ships, and bigger and better ones, similar victories could be won throughout the Pacific." But this was problematic "...because the result was so misleading. Certainly the Japanese navy had performed well, but its opponents had been weak, and it was not invincible ... Tōgō's victory [helped] set Japan on a path that would eventually lead her" to the Second World War."So the gunsmoke in the Korea Strait fogged the vision of the admirals of the Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun. They felt that technical and tactical superiority were enough to defeat a much larger Caucasian adversary, and that through combat victory political victory was inevitable. All misleading lessons, and all the more dangerous when combined with a sense of national destiny.

One other significant consequence was to the mental outlook of naval officers, admiralties, and warship designers around the world. Tsushima was thought to be the perfect model for the next generation of capital ship actions; heavy-gun battleships slugging it out a long range to a decision.
The critical mistake was the general assumption that the battle had been roughly even-sided, and that the defeat of the Pacific Squadrons was the result of better techniques, tactics, and ship design - and could thus be duplicated if the navy in question could recreate those same advantages.
The possibility that the engagement had been a one-sided slaughter of an incompetent organization with suicidally-inept abilities just wasn't really considered. Russia was a Great Power, you see, and the Japanese were, well, you know...asians. That they were also better sailors, gunners, shiphandlers, and tacticians...well, that was just impossible. They were so...asian.
So for the next decade all the industrial powers but especially Britain and Germany engaged in a battleship race that cost them millions and became a big factor in the rush to war in 1914, only to find that the real lesson of Tsushima was that two well-handled fleets of roughly equally well-designed capital ships were very likely to fight to a draw.
Touchline Tattles: Perhaps one of the most interesting characters in the entire Tsushima story is the commander of the doomed Second Pacific Squadron. Zinovy Petrovich Rozhestvensky was very...Russian.

He was also a hell of a sailor; not many men could have flogged his ramshackle fleet around the globe as he did. It was his misfortune to serve a corrupt and incompetent empire, and to meet in his first and last combat action a man who was both experienced in naval war and luckier.
But the thing that I found most humanizing about the Russian commander was his love of women.
Because the admiral LOVED women. He had a wife, Olga Antipova, of whom he appears to have been quite fond. But not quite so fond as to keep him continent; while in St. Petersburg in the late 1800s he took up with the delightfully named Capitolina Makarov. wife of the during-the-Russo-Japanese-War-to-be-late Stepan Makarov, her lover's superior officer. While Makarov was the coming man militarily, he seems to have been something of a hairy-arse sailorboy, and Zinovy Petrovich found the wooing congenial and the woman consuming.

But...not THAT consuming. He seems to have had atd least one other paramour, a young woman named Nataliya Sivers, who shipped out with the fleet as a hospital ship nurse. The admiral seems to have spent several evenings in his cabin playing "ship ahoy" with La Sivers during the journey; one hopes that the lovers found some consolation together in what seems to have otherwise been a wretched experience.
As an admiral, perhaps not in the Nelson class. But as a mighty pleasurer of women, ah, Zinovy Petrovich, let others make war; you, happy fellow, make love.
Would that fate had made you a gigolo instead of a naval officer - perhaps then the only thing you would have broken were hearts, and spilled only tears instead of blood.

"The voyage of the Second Pacific Squadron is an epic tale in itself, complete with mystery, intrigue, hardship, and adventure, and would be worth its own blog post."
Yes, yes it definitely would. Another excellent article Chief.
For all that I give him a ration of shit, our boy Pleshakov does a pretty good job telling the story of the odyssey of the Second Pacific Squadron. Just get him from the library - you don't want to own him...
And thanks for stopping by, as always!
Cracking read chief, loved the tale of the voyage of the Second Pacific Squadron. And interesting insights into naval developments after the battle. The Russians weren't the only fleet that was incompetent in those days. I remember reading a book about the history of the British RN leading up to WW1, feeling themselves invincible after the victories under Nelson, they got lazy and sloppy.
(I did read this some years ago so anyone feel free to correct me if this just turns out to be a figment of my imagination)
The most vivid story I read was that at some point in the C19th, captains stopped gunnery practice on their ships. This was because it ruined their lovely clean paintwork, making their ship look less fabulous, because as everyone knew, all the RN had to do to win was turn up. But a ship coming back to harbour with a full magazine would get the captain into trouble, so what many ships did was sail into deep waters, and then chuck perfectly usable ammunition over the side.
It took decades to root this attitude out of the RN.
I think you nailed it regarding the defeat at Tsushima Strait being a leading reason for the overthrow of the Tsar. Much of that revolution was abetted by Russian sailors. The cruiser Aurora (that survived Tsushima) and her crew took part in the assault on the Winter Palace in Petrograd during the October Revolution. Many of her crew became Bolsheviks during the earlier February Revolution. The Aurora had eventually made it out of internment by the American Navy in Manila and had made her way back to the Baltic. She is still on display as a museum ship in St Petersburg. I think the photo of a ‘protected cruiser’ that you posted is a recent pic of the Aurora. Also in 1905 after Tsushima there were Naval mutinies in Sevastopol, Vladivostok, and Kronstadt, in addition to the famous mutiny on the battleship Potemkin. I guess those Navy men took offense at ending up as fishfood when led by incompetent aristos who spent too much time chasing other admiral’s wives and neglected tactics, shiphandling, and gunnery.
Years ago I had read of Tsushima in ’Famous Sea Fights’ by Green and Frost published back in 1927. I do occasionally find a jewel when I get bored accompanying the wife to yard sales and start to browse through an occasional box of grandpa’s books. Green & Frost’s account is substantially the same as from your references. But you had better detail and their charts sucked. They did not include a list of their references but in the text they did extensively quote Semenov whom you mention. They also quoted the XO of the Japanese Cruiser Asahi (a Commander Togo – it is not said whether he was a son or nephew of Admiral Togo).
Green & Frost did add a few pages of historical data of Tsushima Strait area which was interesting. That strait was where Kublai Khan twice (1274 and 1281AD) tried to cross and invade Japan unsuccessfully. The second time most of his fleet and men were lost at sea due to what I am sure you know the Japanese called their Divine Wind. He left 10,000 Mongol, Korean, and Chinese troops ashore who became Japanese slaves. They also mention that in 1592, just four years after the Spanish Armada, the Japanese under Hideyoshi went across the straits to use Korea as a staging base to invade China. They were defeated by Korean Admiral ‘Yi Sun-sin’, who cut their supply lines in the Strait and the Yellow Sea. He armored the superstructures of his fleet with sheet iron over heavy timbers predating the Merrimac by 260+ years. He had loopholes cut for hand cannons, gunpowder filled fire-lances and archers. Yi did cut the sea lanes between Japan and Korea and the China Coast like what the Russkies tried and failed to do in 1905. The first Sino-Japanese War was based on Hideyoshi’s strategy except by 1894; Japan had built up a strong navy and was in little danger of having their sea lanes cut.
Another great posting Chief - Thanks!
DF: The RN definitely went through a period of calcification after Waterloo. Just as the Army got into the habit of thinking "What would Wellington do?" before anything the Navy got locked into the Trafalgar-box. I wouldn't be surprised if the sort of thing you described did happen in the 1840s.
But I think that complacency was pretty much gone by the Twentieth Century. The "ironclad race" than began in the 1860s got things going, as the British started worrying about first the French and Americans, then the Russians, then the Germans. And when Jack Fisher became First Sea Lord her REALLY shook things up. So by 1905 the RN would have to have been considered one of the top fighting navies in the world.
But they - and particularly Fisher - DID learn a lot of things wrong from Tsushima, and a lot of that, I think, goes back to the sort of racism that naturally assumed that no "white" man could be less competent than a "yellow" one. So if the Russians were beat so badly it had to be the result of some technical or tactical (or design) advantage, and that if one side could get that...well, they could duplicate Tsushima.
But the fact is that it WAS Russian incompetence that made the difference. Individually the German capital ships (especially their battlecruisers) were as much better than the British than the Japanese were better designed than the Russians. But the British and the Germans were competent sailors, gunners, and commanders, and the Russians were not. So barring some sort of black swan the outcome was what it was - a tactical and strategic stalemate.
But it was the Germans who didn't learn the OTHER lesson of Tsushima, which was that in a battle with a continental power a naval stalemate is enough for the maritime power so long as you can beat the continental power on land.
Think about it. The Japanese just needed to keep the Russian fleet in harbor - they didn't need to beat it. They were winning before Tsushima and only a catastrophic defeat there would have changed things. It was the RUSSIANS that needed a decisive victory - and even then, they would have only managed to get back to square one; they'd have needed to mount an offensive and push the Japanese off the Asian mainland, with control of the seas helping them to choke off Japanese resupply and reinforcement.
So for Germany, "decisive victory" really WAS a chimera, and a deadly one at that. Tsushima helped send them on the battleship race with Britain, and that had a hell of a lot to do with Britain's Entente with France and Russia and her eventual entry into WW1...
mike: That IS the Aurora. Lovely little ship. She is one of the last "protected cruisers" still afloat; the USS Olympia is the one other I know of, and she is in a very bad way and may be scrapped or even sunk as an "artificial reef".
And you're right, too, in that the Russian sailors, sick and tired of being slaughtered because some titled fuckstick needed a job, were among the first of the Russian military arms to rebel against the Tsar. There's a long history there, too, and a not-ignoble one.
I hadn't read about the 1592 "Korean War". Interesting; the Koreans get underrated as warriors. Those sons of bitches have always been fighters, and your man Yi was obviously no exception. Taken altogether the Korea Strait has a long and bloody history, indeed. Imperial Russia just added to that history, really, rather than made it...
Aye Chief, Jack Fisher was a hell of character, the RN were lucky to have him. The seamanship and gunnery of the High Seas Fleet came as surprise to the RN, would have been a lot more without Fisher whipping it into shape.
Like your point about Tsushima Strait being an unneccesary battle for the Russians; a strategy that won't defeat your opponent, and with the wrong tools. Has to be one of the most memorable awful plans in history! I love the anecdote about the Russian gunners unable to sink fishing boats or even hit a practice target. What did their gunners do with their time?
Interesting also your point that the battle gave false confidence in the decisive use of naval force. Could be said of many victories, confidence and proficency becomes a replacement for strategy and eventually, hubris.
DF: Pleshakov's account of a "typical day" aboard the Second Pacific Squadron. IT would make one of our "training-24/7-when-at-sea" 2011 USN swabbies gulp with disbelief.
Up at 0500, turn-to (lash up hammocks, wash), then church, then breakfast (bread-and-butter with tea).
0700-0800 Cleaning ship
0800-0830 Muster, divisions report, morning ceremony
0830-1100 Training
1100-12ish Lunch
1200-1400 Training
1400-1430 Teatime
1430-1700 Training
1700-1800 Secure from training, break time
1800-1900? Dinner
1900?-2000? Evening ceremony, church
2000-0500 Free time, lights out.
So basically an 8-hour workday with a total of about 2 hours of breaks. No night training. No fleet maneuver training - it was all individual and crew drills.
No wonder that they got handed their ass, eh?
Your posts always get my gray matter ticking Chief, dangerous I know. But in any case I slept badly last night tossing, turning and thinking of Makarov and another Russian Admiral. So I did some superficial research this AM.
My first brainfart was Admiral Makarov - was the pistol named after him? But that was dumb of me; it was named after the designer, a different Makarov. It must be a common name in Russia. But I did note Wikipedia claims that Admiral Makarov as a younger officer during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 was the first in the world to launch torpedoes from a ship in battle. These were self-propelled torpedoes, not the spar torpedoes that had been around for decades or even centuries perhaps. Is that real or Russian bragging you think?
#2 was that at least one Navy man never deserted the Tsars and fought for the Whites: Admiral Kolchak. So I had to look him up. Turns out he was not at the Battle of Tsushima Strait but he was at Port Arthur and was captured by the Japanese. He spent four months in a POW camp in Nagasaki. I would love to read a copy of ’The Republic of Ushakovka’ about his time as leader of the anti-Bolsheviks in Eastern Siberia. Hmmm, was it named after the ship you cited or perhaps after the admiral that the ship was named for or something else entirely? Unfortunately it retails for $180+ new and $80+ used so I will pass.
mike: Well, a brief burst of research turned up this, from the Wiki entry on "torpedoes":
"The first working prototype of the modern self-propelled torpedo was created by a commission placed by Giovanni Luppis (Croatian: Ivan Lupis), an Austrian naval officer from Fiume (now called Rijeka), a port city of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (modern Croatia), and Robert Whitehead, an English engineer who was the manager of a town factory. In 1864, Luppis presented Whitehead with the plans of the salvacoste (coastsaver), a floating weapon driven by ropes from the land, and made a contract with him in order to perfect the invention.
Whitehead was unable to improve the machine substantially, since the clockwork motor, attached ropes, and surface attack mode all contributed to a slow and cumbersome weapon. However, he kept considering the problem after the contract had finished, and eventually developed a tubular device, designed to run underwater on its own, and powered by compressed air. The result was a submarine weapon, the Minenschiff (mine ship), the first self-propelled torpedo, officially presented to the Austrian Imperial Naval commission on December 21, 1866."
But...here's the interesting thing. So the Austrians get started, the Brits come to look and like the idea, pretty soon most of the Europeans are building the things. But the Wiki entry goes on to add that: "On 16 January 1878, the Turkish steamer Intibah became the first vessel to be sunk by self-propelled torpedoes, launched from torpedo boats operating from the tender Velikiy Knyaz Konstantin under the command of Stepan Osipovich Makarov during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78."
So - while he (and they) didn't actually INVENT the torp, Makarov and his matelots were the first ones to USE one successfully in actual combat.
War is a fascinating subject. Despite the dubious morality of using violence to achieve personal or political aims. It remains that conflict has been used to do just that throughout recorded history.
Your article is very well done, a good read.
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